Attention: This mastermind is application-only so book a call with our team today & let's explore if APE is a right fit for you!

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12-Week Transformational Mastermind

Unleash Your Full Expression with Garrain Jones: Join a Tribe of High-Achieving Artists

Step into your full potential with essential tools, exclusive resources, and a world-class network to realize your vision for your life.

Mastermind Dates: Aug 12 – Oct 28, 2024 | Retreat Dates: Nov 1-5, 2024

Countdown until mastermind starts...


12-Week Transformational Mastermind

Unleash Your Full Expression with Garrain Jones: Join a Tribe of High-Achieving Artists

Step into your full potential with essential tools, exclusive resources, and a world-class network to realize your vision for your life.

Countdown until the mastermind begins...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Mastermind Dates: Aug 12 – Oct 28, 2024
Retreat Dates: Nov 1-5, 2024

About Artist Power Expressed

Discover how to fully express who you really are & equip yourself with powerful tools & resources, plus a high-performing network

Artist Power Expressed is a transformative 12-week journey hosted by Garrain Jones, designed for those who are ready to awaken their inner artist and express their unique talents to the world. This mastermind welcomes individuals from all walks of life—from emerging creatives who are just discovering their gifts, to seasoned artists and entrepreneurs ready to take their passion to the next level, and even those who seek a deeper connection with their community and personal growth. Throughout this mastermind, participants will dive deep into the essence of personal and professional expression, uncover innovative solutions for living a life aligned with their deepest passions, and learn firsthand the strategies Garrain used to transform not only his life but the lives of countless others across the globe. Each week builds on the last, culminating in a fully integrated approach to living and thriving as a fully expressed artist.

Pillars Within 
The Mastermind

12-Week Breakdown

Each week immerses you in one of the 12 transformative pillars of Artist Power Expressed, enhancing your artistic journey through expert-led sessions on expression, storytelling, business, & more, connecting you with a network of ambitious peers that are playing life full out & support you along the way (as your new tribe).

Pillar #1


Discover and embrace your unique artistic voice. This pillar encourages authentic self-expression in whatever form your art takes. Unlock your true potential and share it confidently with the world.

Pillar #2


Build robust confidence to support your artistic endeavors. Gain the courage to explore new ideas and present your art to others. This pillar empowers you to take bold steps in your personal and professional life.

Pillar #3

Clarity & Direction

Define clear goals and paths for your artistic journey. This pillar helps you align your actions with your ultimate artistic aspirations. Gain a focused roadmap to achieving your personal and professional objectives.

Pillar #4


Master the art of captivating storytelling. Learn to craft compelling narratives that resonate with your audience. This pillar enhances your ability to communicate your vision and engage others effectively.

Pillar #5

Raise Your Vibrations

Elevate your mental and emotional energy to attract positive outcomes. This pillar focuses on enhancing your vibrational state to improve overall well-being and creative output. Attract abundance & overflow through your mindset.

Pillar #6


Develop a commanding presence to amplify your artistic influence. This pillar enhances your ability to make an impact in any setting. Cultivate the charisma and poise necessary for memorable interactions.

Pillar #7

Physical Harmony

Balance and synchronize various aspects of your life and health. This pillar focuses on creating harmony in your personal and professional life while mastering your physical well-being to support your overall dreams.

Pillar #8

Enrolling People

Learn to engage and captivate an audience with your art. This pillar teaches you how to transform spectators into active supporters. Master the skills of persuasion and influence to expand your artistic impact.

Pillar #9


Refine and perfect your skills across any area of expertise. This pillar is about improving your artistic quality and impact. Sharpen your abilities to achieve excellence in your chosen field.

Pillar #10

Art of Business

Develop essential business skills specifically tailored for artists. This pillar equips you with strategic knowledge on monetization and marketing. It's designed to transform your art into a viable, thriving business.

Pillar #11

Art of Community

Engage with a supportive community of like-minded creatives. This pillar fosters collaboration and mutual support, enriching your artistic journey. Build lasting connections that inspire and propel your growth.

Pillar #12

Art Into Your Lifestyle

Seamlessly integrate your passion into everyday life. This pillar ensures that your art is not just an activity but a lifestyle. Live your dreams daily, making every action a reflection of your deepest passions.

About Artist Power Expressed

Discover how to fully express who you really are & equip yourself with powerful tools & resources, plus a high-performing network

Artist Power Expressed is a transformative 12-week journey hosted by Garrain Jones, designed for those who are ready to awaken their inner artist and express their unique talents to the world. This mastermind welcomes individuals from all walks of life—from emerging creatives who are just discovering their gifts, to seasoned artists and entrepreneurs ready to take their passion to the next level, and even those who seek a deeper connection with their community and personal growth. Throughout this mastermind, participants will dive deep into the essence of personal and professional expression, uncover innovative solutions for living a life aligned with their deepest passions, and learn firsthand the strategies Garrain used to transform not only his life but the lives of countless others across the globe. Each week builds on the last, culminating in a fully integrated approach to living and thriving as a fully expressed artist.

Pillars Within The Mastermind

12-Week Breakdown

Each week immerses you in one of the 12 transformative pillars of Artist Power Expressed, enhancing your artistic journey through expert-led sessions on expression, storytelling, business, & more, connecting you with a network of ambitious peers that are playing life full out & support you along the way (as your new tribe).

Pillar #1


Discover and embrace your unique artistic voice. This pillar encourages authentic self-expression in whatever form your art takes. Unlock your true potential and share it confidently with the world.

Pillar #2


Build robust confidence to support your artistic endeavors. Gain the courage to explore new ideas and present your art to others. This pillar empowers you to take bold steps in your personal and professional life.

Pillar #3

Clarity & Direction

Define clear goals and paths for your artistic journey. This pillar helps you align your actions with your ultimate artistic aspirations. Gain a focused roadmap to achieving your personal and professional objectives.

Pillar #4


Master the art of captivating storytelling. Learn to craft compelling narratives that resonate with your audience. This pillar enhances your ability to communicate your vision and engage others effectively.

Pillar #5

Raise Your Vibrations

Elevate your mental and emotional energy to attract positive outcomes. This pillar focuses on enhancing your vibrational state to improve overall well-being and creative output. Attract abundance & overflow through your mindset.

Pillar #6


Develop a commanding presence to amplify your artistic influence. This pillar enhances your ability to make an impact in any setting. Cultivate the charisma and poise necessary for memorable interactions.

Pillar #7

Physical Harmony

Balance and synchronize various aspects of your life and health. This pillar focuses on creating harmony in your personal and professional life while mastering your physical well-being to support your overall dreams.

Pillar #8

Enrolling People

Learn to engage and captivate an audience with your art. This pillar teaches you how to transform spectators into active supporters. Master the skills of persuasion and influence to expand your artistic impact.

Pillar #9


Refine and perfect your skills across any area of expertise. This pillar is about improving your artistic quality and impact. Sharpen your abilities to achieve excellence in your chosen field.

Pillar #10

Art of Business

Develop essential business skills specifically tailored for artists. This pillar equips you with strategic knowledge on monetization and marketing. It's designed to transform your art into a viable, thriving business.

Pillar #11

Art of Community

Engage with a supportive community of like-minded creatives. This pillar fosters collaboration and mutual support, enriching your artistic journey. Build lasting connections that inspire and propel your growth.

Pillar #12

Art Into Your Lifestyle

Seamlessly integrate your passion into everyday life. This pillar ensures that your art is not just an activity but a lifestyle. Live your dreams daily, making every action a reflection of your deepest passions.

About Your Coach

Garrain Jones

  • Went From Ex-Convict, Homeless For 2.5 Years, & $250,000 In Debt To A Multi-Millionaire With Multiple Businesses
  • Has Spoken In Over 80 Countries To Crowds As Large As 50,000 People
  • Creator Of Artist Power, A Global Movement That Is Transforming Entertainment & Personal Development
  • ​Author Of Best-Seller, Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life
  • ​Investor & Advisor In A Handful Of Fast-Growing Companies

About Your Coach

Garrain Jones

  • Went From Ex-Convict, Homeless For 2.5 Years, & $250,000 In Debt To A Multi-Millionaire With Multiple Businesses
  • Has Spoken In Over 80 Countries To Crowds As Large As 50,000 People
  • Creator Of Artist Power, A Global Movement That Is Transforming Entertainment & Personal Development
  • ​Author Of Best-Seller, Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life
  • ​Investor & Advisor In A Handful Of Fast-Growing Companies

Are you ready for the transformation of a lifetime?

Welcome to the Artist Power Expressed Mastermind 12-Week Mastermind

Have you ever felt that there's an immense power within you, just waiting to be unleashed?

That's because there is. 

And we're here to help you tap into it.

In this immersive 12-week experience, you'll learn how to harness the mighty force of nature, align with its rhythms, and use it to manifest your wildest dreams. 

Think about it...

Isn't it time you stopped merely surviving and started truly living?

Imagine being in perfect sync with your body, understanding its subtle cues and messages, and maintaining your optimum energy levels throughout the day. 

What if you could transmute your energy, turning fatigue and frustration into vitality and enthusiasm? 

What would you do with that kind of boundless energy?

Feeling like a little kid on Christmas - but that's your everyday energy!

Think about the output that you would generate with this frequency...

Becoming a harmonized & full expressed Artist means building a rock-solid inner foundation, able to withstand the greatest challenges and bask in the highest triumphs. 

It means shifting from victim to observer, becoming a master of your life instead of a passenger.

Embrace the art of energy alchemy, transforming any energy into a form that resonates with your unique frequency.

You'll learn to navigate the vast ocean of emotions, achieving a balance that will allow you to face any situation with grace, confidence, and wisdom.

This is about more than self-development. 

This is about becoming an active contributor to our collective evolution. 

Truly awakened & harmonious artists make a positive impact on the world. 

Are you ready to make yours?

The journey will be intense. 

It will challenge you, stretch you, and ask you to grow in ways you never imagined. 

But the rewards will be immense. 

As a fully expressed artist, you'll not only transform your life but also contribute to a harmonious world.

Choose your path with our various options (Silver, Gold, & Platinum) to embark on this transformative journey with us.

And remember, this is more than an investment in a program...

It's an investment in you and your limitless potential.

Join us and take the first step on your journey to becoming the most authentic & expressed version of yourself.

Remember, the world isn't merely waiting for another person. 

It's waiting for an empowered & awakened Artist Power human. 

It's waiting for you. 

Let's create a harmonious future together.

The Artist Power Expressed Mastermind – It's not just a transformation. 

It's a revolution. 

Be a part of it.

Let's get this life.

Apply For This Transformative 12-week Mastermind

Who is this Mastermind for?

This mastermind is for you if you're someone who feels the fire within...

If you're someone with the hunger for transformation...

You have this burning desire to tap into your full potential while you're here.

It's for those of you who know deep down that there's more to life than the mundane...

And are ready to dive headfirst into the discovery of your authentic self.

You may be a dreamer, an innovator, an entrepreneur, or a visionary. 

Perhaps you're a student, a teacher, a parent, or a leader. 

No matter what your current role in life is...

If you're eager to grow, ready to evolve, and determined to manifest your dream and turn them into reality...

Then this mastermind is for you.

If you're prepared to face your fears...

Embrace your flaws...

And transform your energy to become the most powerful version of yourself...

Then the Artist Power Expressed Mastermind is your ticket to an exceptional journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and radical transformation.

Who is this Mastermind NOT for?

But let's be clear, this is not for everyone. 

This is not a magic pill, nor a quick fix. 

It is not for those seeking shortcuts or easy paths to success. 

The journey of becoming a fully expressed artist is not a smooth sailing ship, it's a ride with highs and lows that requires commitment, tenacity, and a relentless pursuit of growth.

This mastermind is not for those who are content living within their comfort zones, who are not willing to challenge their perceptions or question their limitations. 

It's not for those who are unprepared to invest time, energy, and resources in their personal growth.

If you're not ready to take responsibility for your life, if you're unwilling to accept that you are the creator of your own reality, then this mastermind may not be for you. 

Because here, we don't play the victim; we play the game of energy and frequency.

But if you're reading this and thinking, 

"Yes, I am ready! Yes, I am willing to step up and embrace my true potential!"

Then my friend, you're in the right place. 

Welcome to the Artist Power Expressed Mastermind. 

Welcome to your transformation. 

I'm Garrain Jones, and I can't wait to journey with you.

Are you ready for the transformation of a lifetime?

Welcome to the Artist Power Expressed Mastermind 12-Week Mastermind

The ultimate journey of personal evolution.

Have you ever felt that there's an immense power within you, just waiting to be unleashed?

That's because there is. 

And we're here to help you tap into it.

In this immersive 12-week experience, you'll learn how to harness the mighty force of nature, align with its rhythms, and use it to manifest your wildest dreams. 

Think about it...

Isn't it time you stopped merely surviving and started truly living?

Imagine being in perfect sync with your body, understanding its subtle cues and messages, and maintaining your optimum energy levels throughout the day. 

What if you could transmute your energy, turning fatigue and frustration into vitality and enthusiasm? 

What would you do with that kind of boundless energy?

Feeling like a little kid on Christmas - but that's your everyday energy!

Think about the output that you would generate with this frequency...

Becoming a harmonized & full expressed Artist means building a rock-solid inner foundation, able to withstand the greatest challenges and bask in the highest triumphs. 

It means shifting from victim to observer, becoming a master of your life instead of a passenger.

Embrace the art of energy alchemy, transforming any energy into a form that resonates with your unique frequency.

You'll learn to navigate the vast ocean of emotions, achieving a balance that will allow you to face any situation with grace, confidence, and wisdom.

This is about more than self-development. 

This is about becoming an active contributor to our collective evolution. 

Truly awakened & harmonious artists make a positive impact on the world. 

Are you ready to make yours?

The journey will be intense. 

It will challenge you, stretch you, and ask you to grow in ways you never imagined. 

But the rewards will be immense. 

As a fully expressed artist, you'll not only transform your life but also contribute to a harmonious world.

Choose your path with our various options (Silver, Gold, & Platinum) to embark on this transformative journey with us.

And remember, this is more than an investment in a program...

It's an investment in you and your limitless potential.

Join us and take the first step on your journey to becoming the most authentic & expressed version of yourself.

Remember, the world isn't merely waiting for another person. 

It's waiting for an empowered & awakened Artist Power human. 

It's waiting for you. 

Let's create a harmonious future together.

The Artist Power Expressed Mastermind – It's not just a transformation. 

It's a revolution. 

Be a part of it.

Let's get this life.

Apply Today for this transformational mastermind

Who is this Mastermind for?

This mastermind is for you if you're someone who feels the fire within...

If you're someone with the hunger for transformation...

You have this burning desire to tap into your full potential while you're here.

It's for those of you who know deep down that there's more to life than the mundane...

And are ready to dive headfirst into the discovery of your authentic self.

You may be a dreamer, an innovator, an entrepreneur, or a visionary. 

Perhaps you're a student, a teacher, a parent, or a leader. 

No matter what your current role in life is...

If you're eager to grow, ready to evolve, and determined to manifest your dream and turn them into reality...

Then this mastermind is for you.

If you're prepared to face your fears...

Embrace your flaws...

And transform your energy to become the most powerful version of yourself...

Then the Artist Power Expressed Mastermind is your ticket to an exceptional journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and radical transformation.

Who is this Mastermind NOT for?

But let's be clear, this is not for everyone. 

This is not a magic pill, nor a quick fix. 

It is not for those seeking shortcuts or easy paths to success. 

The journey of becoming a fully expressed artist is not a smooth sailing ship, it's a ride with highs and lows that requires commitment, tenacity, and a relentless pursuit of growth.

This mastermind is not for those who are content living within their comfort zones, who are not willing to challenge their perceptions or question their limitations. 

It's not for those who are unprepared to invest time, energy, and resources in their personal growth.

If you're not ready to take responsibility for your life, if you're unwilling to accept that you are the creator of your own reality, then this mastermind may not be for you. 

Because here, we don't play the victim; we play the game of energy and frequency.

But if you're reading this and thinking, 

"Yes, I am ready! Yes, I am willing to step up and embrace my true potential!"

Then my friend, you're in the right place. 

Welcome to the Artist Power Expressed Mastermind. 

Welcome to your transformation. 

I'm Garrain Jones, and I can't wait to journey with you.

15% OFF Special Offer Until June 30, 2024

Unlock Your Ultimate Potential

Discover and unleash your fullest, most authentic artistic self in a dynamic and supportive environment. Enroll in Artist Power Expressed to connect with influential mentors, master life-changing techniques, and bring your unique vision to life!

15% OFF Special Offer 
Until June 30, 2024

Unlock Your Ultimate Potential

Discover and unleash your fullest, most authentic artistic self in a dynamic and supportive environment. Enroll in Artist Power Expressed to connect with influential mentors, master life-changing techniques, and bring your unique vision to life!

Mastermind Package

ONLY $4,997

  • 1X Silver Mastermind Ticket
  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • ​Dedicated Support Coach
  • ​Group Masterminding
  • ​On-Demand Access to Mastermind Replays
  • ​Graduation Ceremony
  • ​Mastermind Live Event Project
Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available

Mastermind Silver

Only $7,497

  • 1X Gold Mastermind Ticket
  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • ​Dedicated Support Coach
  • ​Group Masterminding
  • ​On-Demand Access to Mastermind Replays
  • ​Graduation Ceremony
  • ​Mastermind Live Event Project
  • ​Artist Power Collective Private Community & Membership
  • ​Artist Power Collective Daily Live Coaching (Mon-Fri)
  • ​Get Unstuck 7-Week Course
  • ​Relationship Mastery 2.0 6-Week Course
  • ​1X Artist Power Awakened Retreat Silver Ticket
Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available

Mastermind Gold

Only $10,497

  • 1X Platinum Mastermind Ticket
  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • ​Dedicated Support Coach
  • ​Group Masterminding
  • ​On-Demand Access to Mastermind Replays
  • ​Graduation Ceremony
  • ​Mastermind Live Event Project
  • ​Artist Power Collective Private Community & Membership
  • ​Artist Power Collective Daily Live Coaching (Mon-Fri)
  • ​Get Unstuck 7-Week Course
  • ​Relationship Mastery 2.0 6-Week Course
  • ​1X Artist Power Awakened Retreat Gold Ticket
  • 3 Days Room & Board for October 2024 Retreat
Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available

Mastermind Platinum

Only $13,497

  • 1X Platinum Plus Mastermind Ticket
  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • ​Dedicated Support Coach
  • ​Group Masterminding
  • ​On-Demand Access to Mastermind Replays
  • ​Graduation Ceremony
  • ​Mastermind Live Event Project
  • ​Artist Power Collective Private Community & Membership
  • ​Artist Power Collective Daily Live Coaching (Mon-Fri)
  • ​Get Unstuck 7-Week Course
  • ​Relationship Mastery 2.0 6-Week Course
  • ​1X Artist Power Awakened Retreat Platinum Ticket
  • 4 Days Room & Board for October 2024 Retreat
  • ​Extra VIP Day With Platinum Ticket Holders
  • ​1X Private 1:1 Coaching With Garrain Jones (45 Min)
Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available

Mastermind Platinum Plus Package

  • Everything included in Platinum Plus
  • ​1X Welcome Home Ceremony with Garrain Jones (6 Hours In-Person At Garrain's Home)

Right Now, $26,997

Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available

Tiers 2 – 4 of Artist Power expressed include...

Your Ticket To The Next APA Retreat! ✨

Retreat location: Wimberley, Texas (USA) | Retreat dates: Nov. 1, 2024 @ 12PM CST - ends on Nov. 5th @ 10AM CST

Event information...

  • The November 2024 retreat will take place in Wimberley, Texas, about 1 hour southwest of Austin.
  • There will be delicious farm to table meals prepared by our incredible team of private chefs. Designed to nourish your heart, mind, body & soul throughout the entire weekend 
  • ​Silver ticket holders (included in Tier 2 APE package) will be responsible for finding their own accommodations with hotels & AirBnb's; Gold ticket holders (included in Tier 3 APE package) will stay on site & join us Nov. 2nd; Platinum (included in Tier 4 APE package) & Platinum Plus ticket holders will stay on site & join us a day early on Nov. 1st, 2024.
  • The event begins Nov. 1st at 12:00 PM CST for our Platinum & Platinum Plus ticket holders & Nov. 2nd at 12:00 PM CST for our Silver & Gold ticket holders.
  • ​The event concludes on Nov. 4th in the evening for Silver ticket holders and concludes on Nov. 5th in the morning for Gold – Platinum Plus ticket holders.
  • ​Limited to 100 participants
  • ​It’s also important to know that YOU won’t just be leaving with new friends. YOU will be expanding with a FAMILY of awakened ARTists who are living in purpose, on purpose, for a purpose much greater than themselves. A mission that elevates the world around us.

Continue your journey of transformation at the october retreat

Hear how this retreat impacted these artists


ONLY $4,997

  • 1X Silver Mastermind Ticket
  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • ​Dedicated Support Coach
  • ​Group Masterminding
  • ​On-Demand Access to Mastermind Replays
  • ​Graduation Ceremony
  • ​Mastermind Live Event Project
Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available


Only $7,497

  • 1X Gold Mastermind Ticket
  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • ​Dedicated Support Coach
  • ​Group Masterminding
  • ​On-Demand Access to Mastermind Replays
  • ​Graduation Ceremony
  • ​Mastermind Live Event Project
  • ​Artist Power Collective Private Community & Membership
  • ​Artist Power Collective Daily Live Coaching (Mon-Fri)
  • ​Get Unstuck 7-Week Course
  • ​Relationship Mastery 2.0 6-Week Course
  • ​1X Artist Power Awakened Retreat Silver Ticket
Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available


Only $10,497

  • 1X Platinum Mastermind Ticket
  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • ​Dedicated Support Coach
  • ​Group Masterminding
  • ​On-Demand Access to Mastermind Replays
  • ​Graduation Ceremony
  • ​Mastermind Live Event Project
  • ​Artist Power Collective Private Community & Membership
  • ​Artist Power Collective Daily Live Coaching (Mon-Fri)
  • ​Get Unstuck 7-Week Course
  • ​Relationship Mastery 2.0 6-Week Course
  • ​1X Artist Power Awakened Retreat Gold Ticket
  • 3 Days Room & Board for October 2024 Retreat
Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available


Only $13,497

  • 1X Platinum Plus Mastermind Ticket
  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • ​Dedicated Support Coach
  • ​Group Masterminding
  • ​On-Demand Access to Mastermind Replays
  • ​Graduation Ceremony
  • ​Mastermind Live Event Project
  • ​Artist Power Collective Private Community & Membership
  • ​Artist Power Collective Daily Live Coaching (Mon-Fri)
  • ​Get Unstuck 7-Week Course
  • ​Relationship Mastery 2.0 6-Week Course
  • ​1X Artist Power Awakened Retreat Platinum Ticket
  • 4 Days Room & Board for October 2024 Retreat
  • ​Extra VIP Day With Platinum Ticket Holders
  • ​1X Private 1:1 Coaching With Garrain Jones (45 Min)
Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available


Only $26,997

  • 1X Mastermind Ticket
  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • ​Dedicated Support Coach
  • ​Group Masterminding
  • ​On-Demand Access to Mastermind Replays
  • ​Graduation Ceremony
  • ​Mastermind Live Event Project
  • ​Artist Power Collective Private Community & Membership
  • ​Artist Power Collective Daily Live Coaching (Mon-Fri)
  • ​Get Unstuck 7-Week Course
  • ​Relationship Mastery 2.0 6-Week Course
  • ​1X Artist Power Awakened Retreat Platinum Ticket (Nov. 1st - 5th, 2024)
  • 4 Days Room & Board for October 2024 Retreat
  • ​Extra VIP Day With Platinum Ticket Holders
  • ​1X Private 1:1 Coaching With Garrain Jones (45 Min)
  • ​1X Welcome Home Ceremony with Garrain Jones (6 Hours In-Person At Garrain's Home)
Flexible Payment Options: 4 and 6 Payment Plans Available

Continue your journey of transformation at the october retreat

Hear how this retreat impacted these artists

Tiers 2 – 4 of Artist 
Power Expressed include

Your Ticket To The Next APA Retreat!

Retreat location: Wimberley, Texas (USA) | Retreat dates: Nov. 1, 2024 @ 12PM CST - ends on Nov. 5th @ 10AM CST

Event information

  • The November 2024 retreat will take place in Wimberley, Texas, about 1 hour southwest of Austin.
  • There will be delicious farm to table meals prepared by our incredible team of private chefs. Designed to nourish your heart, mind, body & soul throughout the entire weekend 
  • ​Silver ticket holders (included in Tier 2 APE package) will be responsible for finding their own accommodations with hotels & AirBnb's; Gold ticket holders (included in Tier 3 APE package) will stay on site & join us Nov. 2nd; Platinum (included in Tier 4 APE package) & Platinum Plus ticket holders will stay on site & join us a day early on Nov. 1st, 2024.
  • The event begins Nov. 1st at 12:00 PM CST for our Platinum & Platinum Plus ticket holders & Nov. 2nd at 12:00 PM CST for our Silver & Gold ticket holders.
  • ​The event concludes on Nov. 4th in the evening for Silver ticket holders and concludes on Nov. 5th in the morning for Gold – Platinum Plus ticket holders.
  • ​Limited to 100 participants
  • ​It’s also important to know that YOU won’t just be leaving with new friends. YOU will be expanding with a FAMILY of awakened ARTists who are living in purpose, on purpose, for a purpose much greater than themselves. A mission that elevates the world around us.
Copyright 2024 © Artist Power • All Rights Reserved • Created by Launchware